Tuesday, August 5, 2008


As the designated tech guy for the team, I've been doing alot of reading and catching up on the sport of Paintball. One of the areas of great interest to me has been E-Markers. I'm constantly watching videos, reading reviews, checking up on prices and generally asking others for their opinion and recommendations.

I won't go into detail on the numerous makes and models of markers I've been checking out but I will mention one particular model that has stood out for me and that is the BOB LONG VICE.

I'll admit I know next to nuts about E-markers but having read the reviews for the VICE and with superlatives like "AMAZING", "UNBELIEVABLE", "SUPERB", "PHENOMENAL" being used, I am intrigued and would like like nothing better than to meet someone who has shot one or better yet be that someone.

What is more intriguing tho... why isn't anyone using the VICE?

Maybe I am blind, or ignorant but I've seen a hell lotta EGOs, DM8s and what have yous being used.. just no VICE! What gives?

Anyway, look for the BOB LONG VICE reviews and maybe it will astound you as well.

14 pods on a single fill... shoots amazingly accurate, cheaper than any other high end marker and on and on and on... can anyone set us up with some?


Anonymous said...

not sure if u guys can bring this over to SG but vice have yet to touch the shores in malaysia still.

and you dont really need a marker to shoot 14 pods ... u cant carry that much anyways ^_^

"shoots amazingly accurate" accuracy is paint to barrel bore match only then it will be accurate.

i wanted to get this too or the marq7 but very poor hehehe

i know someone that can bring this is ... its expensive just to order one maybe you can sms me @ 012 2703328 so we can work things out. cheaper is better ^_^

Amok said...

It does look like a awesome marker but I guess my only concern is that if it is not a popular marker in Malaysia, what happens with support if we have any problems?

Anonymous said...

yup...thats an excellent thought. After service is a top priority when it comes to marker purchase.

Anonymous said...

bob long markers didnt sell well in M'soa coz the distributer guy suck!.. price of vice is equal to egos!! wtf??!! ... thats more than half the price ratio in the US..
so forget about it. As long as tat guy still alive, we can just dream about it.. unless.. youve got plenty of moneyy..

rocket said...

Thanks guys for all the comments and feedback. I guess we will have to look very closely at all the variables before we come to a decision. Thanks once again :)