Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sometimes things just don't go to plan...

Team Damnation trained hard Saturday - made even harder by 32-33 degree temp, high humidity and glaring sun. 5 minutes into our warm up jog Daud showed his dexterity by tripping over flat on his face... this resulted in a very sore foot but he soldiered on.

Training consisted of:
5 minute warm up jog
10 minute stretching - quads, hamstrings, calf and back muscles
core strength plank routines - 3 reps x 30 seconds
sit ups - 3 reps x 30 sit ups
left handed and right handed snap shooting routines
3 v 2 bunker running routines

Most of the guys had to leave after this but I stayed on the have some skirmish matches with some of the other regular tourny teams like XXL & Wargh later in the afternoon.

Victor and I were looking forward to travelling to the Desaru the next day to check out the Asian Invitational. Let's just say this didn't go according to plan and by 11pm Judas and I had to both had to drop out. Needless to say I was more than disappointed with my situation and am still angry about it today - a once in a lifetime chance to watch and meet international players... and I had my video camera ready to film some of the action to share with those who couldn't make it. Oh well, I'll just have to cringe at others documentary on the event and spend the day not speaking to my significant other. Another day in the life of an married paintballer...

Oh by the way, Daud's injury sounds like it is a little worse than he first suspected and he is going for scans today as the doctor thinks he may have fracture his foot!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so sad that you guys didn't come... =) we were looking forward to seeing you guys there...