Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sunday, Sunday...

I arrived at Red Dynasty on a lazy Sunday afternoon expecting to have a light training session with the boys. I had previously strained my calf on Friday and in lieu of the upcoming 3 vs 3 Tourney in JB, did not want to further aggravate my leg.

Turns out that the RD5 Speedball league was on and the 'DAMNED' were playing! I got dressed thinking that they would be able to continue playing without me and we'd be able to train and discuss after their match-ups. No such luxury... I was tossed a harness and told to get my pods and hopper filled. I was going to play.

Needless to say, due to my bummed leg, some adjustments had to be made. I joined the backline and we played 3 Back, 1 Mid, 1 Front. A short huddle with positions and strategy discussed and away we were.

Playing as an extra backman took a little getting used to. I hugged the barriers, watched the lines and cross field angles. Called out what I could see and pinned the opposition as best I could. But I was itching to move forward, to sneak, slide and run my arse off... I had to remind myself constantly not to go sliding into the bunkers, to stay put and most of all, not to over extend my leg.

This led to me being bunkered in one match, being left behind camping while the 'DAMNED' moved up in another match and basically just shooting into bunkers the rest of the day. That left us 1 win & 1 loss against the RED SEVENS, 1 win & 1 loss against the RED DYNASTY STAFF team. (Apologies if I left out any team) Not toooooo bad but definitely not how I would have liked to have played.

I wish I could have had an afternoon of fast running and gunning and if not for the leg I just might have. But having said that, it was still tremendously fun and thus...

C'est si bon,
So I say it to you,
Like the French people do,
Because it's oh, so good!

1 comment:

Amok said...

Actually we also played 20th Legion and Wargh. We beat XXL but lost to Wargh. You did good on your first speedball skirmish despite your bum leg. Good to have you on board mate!