Sunday, July 27, 2008

At the next intersection turn right?

From 3on3

Most say we all have to be a little mad to play paintball. When my alarm went of at 3:45am this morning I should have thought the same thing about myself... I'm usually only just going to bed at this time on a Sunday morning...

All week the team had been excited to get their hands dirty in our first official tournament... this anticipation sometimes leads to sleep deprevation... which ends in us not getting to Causeway until 6am... detours, thumb prints, MS checks and finally we get into JB... being tech heads we try to use the GPS voice to guide us to our destination... I think we got better directions from the uncle at Caltex!!!

Anyway we get to Southern Extreme with enough time to walk the field and chat to the friendly guys at SX.

At first glance the field looked like a campers paradise with two large lanes running vertically through the field and small hammers that didn't cross the centreline. The rest of the teams slowly joined us and geared up. Not sure how the draw was worked out but we didn't have any much ups with Singapore teams.

Scouts JB Bravo
Sat Spade (Our Opponents Game #3)
RPG (Our Opponents Game #5)
PSG Warfreak
Shoot In Rage
JI Team (Our Opponents Game #2 - Loss)
Queen Slayer (Our Opponents Game #4)
My Bro Team
Sang Kuriang (Our Opponents Game #1)
and..... Team Damnation

Scouting spies told us to be not sit back as the majority of the other teams would push up hard... First match we attack the left and right snakes with one player at the back dorito - this is how the game ended with neither team losing a player...

As we were each taking turns to substitute, each time we took to the field there was a different team combo. In hindsight probably not the smartest move but we were there for the experience so winning wasn't the priority - problem is we're competitive %$#$%^s. The rest of the matches were as much of a blur as the first - different team member combos lead to different results each game - even if we had a game plan it was forgotten 5 seconds after the break. Despite this, we got some great advice from other players and observers on how we play - and what we need to start doing to get better.

Watching the other teams compete was great - a lot showed great snap shooting skills great movement and teamwork. Some even showed you don't even need proper branded paintball gear to win.

After not making much progress in our 5 matches, our day was over. With our left over paint we tried a range of e-markers during the lunch break to get a feel for what the big boys use... (I'll let the others TD boys give their reviews on these items). I think after today we are now even more determined to drill until out legs drop off. Of course we we're still griping about how practicing paintball in SG is akin to practicing tennis without a tennis racquet - as any tennis coach will tell you how you hold the tennis racquet is paramount to your playing performance... but I'm sure this is nothing any serious Singaporean paintballer has griped about before...

So I look forward to our next training session - I think the lessons we learnt today will help improve our game a lot...

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